

  1. Optimal curbside pricing for managing ride-hailing pick-ups and drop-offs Liu, Jiachao, Ma, Wei, and Qian, Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2023
  2. Beyond Prediction: On-Street Parking Recommendation Using Heterogeneous Graph-Based List-Wise Ranking Sun, Hanyu, Huang, Xiao, and Ma, Wei IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2023
  3. Turning traffic surveillance cameras into intelligent sensors for traffic density estimation Hu, Zijian, Lam, William HK, Wong, SC, Chow, Andy HF, and Ma, Wei Complex & Intelligent Systems 2023
  4. Adversarial diffusion attacks on graph-based traffic prediction models Zhu, Lyuyi, Feng, Kairui, Pu, Ziyuan, and Ma, Wei IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023
  5. Spatiotemporal clustering for the impact region caused by a traffic incident: an improved fuzzy C-means approach with guaranteed consistency Zheng, Zhenjie, Wang, Zhengli, Chen, Xiqun, Ma, Wei, and Ran, Bin Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 2023
  6. DisasterNet: Causal Bayesian Networks with Normalizing Flows for Cascading Hazards Estimation from Satellite Imagery Li, Xuechun, Bürgi, Paula M, Ma, Wei, Noh, Hae Young, Wald, David Jay, and Xu, Susu In Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2023
  7. Cybersecurity challenges in AI-enabled smart transportation systems Zhu, Lyuyi, Qu, Ao, and Ma, Wei 2023
  8. Filtering Limited Automatic Vehicle Identification Data for Real-Time Path Travel Time Estimation Without Ground Truth Li, Ang, Lam, William HK, Ma, Wei, Chow, Andy HF, Wong, Sze-Chun, and Tam, Mei Lam IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2023
  9. Estimating and Mitigating the Congestion Effect of Curbside Pick-ups and Drop-offs: A Causal Inference Approach Liu, Xiaohui, Qian, Sean, Teo, Hock-Hai, and Ma, Wei Transportation Science 2023
  10. Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Traffic Signal Control Systems with Colluding Vehicles Qu, Ao, Tang, Yihong, and Ma, Wei ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 2023


  1. Lane-based estimation of travel time distributions by vehicle type via vehicle re-identification using low-resolution video images Zhang, Cheng, Ho, HW, Lam, William HK, Ma, Wei, Wong, SC, and Chow, Andy HF Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022
  2. Network-wide link travel time and station waiting time estimation using automatic fare collection data: A computational graph approach Zhang, Jinlei, Chen, Feng, Yang, Lixing, Ma, Wei, Jin, Guangyin, and Gao, Ziyou IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022
  3. Clustering Analysis of the Spatio-Temporal On-Street Parking Occupancy Data: A Case Study in Hong Kong Wu, Fan, and Ma, Wei Sustainability 2022
  4. Ubiquitous sensing for smart cities with autonomous vehicles Liu, Xiaohui, and Ma, Wei 2022
  5. Optimization of multi-type sensor locations for simultaneous estimation of origin-destination demands and link travel times with covariance effects Fu, Hao, Lam, William HK, Shao, Hu, Ma, Wei, Chen, Bi Yu, and Ho, HW Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 2022
  6. Few-Sample Traffic Prediction With Graph Networks Using Locale as Relational Inductive Biases Li, Mingxi, Tang, Yihong, and Ma, Wei IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2022
  7. Optimization of multi-type traffic sensor locations for network-wide link travel time estimation with consideration of their covariance Fu, Hao, Lam, William HK, Ho, HW, and Ma, Wei Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics 2022
  8. Cluster analysis of day-to-day traffic data in networks Zhang, Pengji, Ma, Wei, and Qian, Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2022
  9. Domain adversarial spatial-temporal network: a transferable framework for short-term traffic forecasting across cities Tang, Yihong, Qu, Ao, Chow, Andy HF, Lam, William HK, Wong, SC, and Ma, Wei In Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management 2022


  1. Short-term origin-destination demand prediction in urban rail transit systems: A channel-wise attentive split-convolutional neural network method Zhang, Jinlei, Che, Hongshu, Chen, Feng, Ma, Wei, and He, Zhengbing Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2021
  2. COVID-19, community response, public policy, and travel patterns: A tale of Hong Kong Chan, Ho-Yin, Chen, Anthony, Ma, Wei, Sze, Nang-Ngai, and Liu, Xintao Transport Policy 2021
  3. A Bi-objective Reliable Path-Finding Algorithm for Battery Electric Vehicle Routing Chen, Xiao-Wei, Chen, Bi Yu, Lam, William HK, Tam, Mei Lam, and Ma, Wei Expert Systems with Applications 2021
  4. Vehicle Re-identification for lane-level travel time estimations on congested urban road networks using video images Zhang, Cheng, Chen, Bi Yu, Lam, William HK, Ho, HW, Shi, Xiaomeng, Yang, Xiaoguang, Ma, Wei, Wong, SC, and Chow, Andy HF IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2021
  5. High-Resolution Traffic Sensing with Probe Autonomous Vehicles: A Data-Driven Approach Ma, Wei, and Qian, Sean Sensors 2021


  1. Estimating multi-class dynamic origin-destination demand through a forward-backward algorithm on computational graphs Ma, Wei, Pi, Xidong, and Qian, Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2020
  2. Measuring and reducing the disequilibrium levels of dynamic networks with ride-sourcing vehicle data Ma, Wei, and Qian, Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2020


  1. A general formulation for multi-modal dynamic traffic assignment considering multi-class vehicles, public transit and parking Pi, Xidong, Ma, Wei, and Qian, Zhen Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2019
  2. Missing Not at Random in Matrix Completion: The Effectiveness of Estimating Missingness Probabilities Under a Low Nuclear Norm Assumption Ma, Wei, and Chen, George H In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 2019
  3. A deep learning approach to real-time parking occupancy prediction in transportation networks incorporating multiple spatio-temporal data sources Yang, Shuguan, Ma, Wei, Pi, Xidong, and Qian, Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2019


  1. Statistical inference of probabilistic origin-destination demand using day-to-day traffic data Ma, Wei, and Qian, Zhen Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2018
  2. Estimating multi-year 24/7 origin-destination demand using high-granular multi-source traffic data Ma, Wei, and Qian, Zhen Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2018


  1. On the variance of recurrent traffic flow for statistical traffic assignment Ma, Wei, and Qian, Zhen Sean Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 2017